Monday, November 7, 2016

Week 10: The Fiction of Ideas

"Farenheit 451"
Ray Bradbury (dir. Francois Truffaut)

I have read Farenheit 451 back in middle school and have reread it for this class as well as watched the movie to know about it better. As a kid who didn’t really enjoyed reading back then thought maybe a life in the book wasn’t so bad, but of course I was only a dumb kid to think such way. It is true that there was once a time period when book burning was huge in the USA. Why they burn it? It was to reduce people’s knowledge through books and have them think less of those ‘unnecessary’ thoughts and go with how the government wants to run the country. It was the same with Nazi Germany when they burnt books that viewed as being subversive or as representing ideologies opposed to Nazism. A huge number of religious literatures were burnt in order prevent people from believing anything other than the ‘great leader’ of their choice. 

I could only think of this book burning events to be occurred due to one’s selfishness. It is true that books do give a person more various range of thoughts and knowledge about the genre of the literature, but that simply equals to freedom. Allowing someone to have their own thoughts and live a life as they please is their freedom. Of course there are wronging people should not do such as murder, but if people do something like and say they did it because it was their freedom to do what they please, then they simply are just heartless psychos. A book is a thing for not only knowledge, but also for entertaining that I don’t understand why in Farenheit 451, the firemen would burn all types of books. Books are just like movies, they both include stories and creativities that many people have never thought of. It is surely frightening how there were once a time just like in Farenheit 451 because it explains that our world isn’t much better than the world in the book. 

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